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Best place to pay tax, UK or Spain

I wonder if anyone on this forum has had the choice of where they pay tax on their earnings? I am fortunate enough to be able to work from anywhere and am considering spending chunks of time in Spain. I have the option of billing my client as a UK or Spanish company. So was wondering if anyone has looked at the pros and cons of either being UK based for tax purposes or Spanish based?


I have a Spanish based company at the moment, but looking into changing to a Uk company as most of my clients are British. The main benefit for me is the difference between National insurance contributions. In Spain, it works out about €320per month if you include accountants fees.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-05-11 08:50:30 UTC

Was looking into corporation tax and income tax and it looks a lot more expensive in Spain than the UK.

Commented Derek in Quesada 2013-05-11 19:26:58 UTC