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Vinny Mack

I have had a few requests to see the videos from the Vinny Mack night at Hillside. So here are two of them At The Hop featuring Don and Ivy
Second is at
All *The Girls* up dancing to this very popular song ***Penny Arcade*** sung by Vinny Mack at Hillside. Vinny Mack was one of the Ex Blues Brothers.
Vinny Macks contact details are phone 634-884-720 and email is [email protected]

La Marina

What a load of rubbish , who on earth would want to watch those two old decrepit persons!! Dancing to some so called entertainer vinny something or another,,what's this site coming to.

Commented davieselz in La Marina 2013-11-10 21:26:29 UTC

Fancy posting a horrid comment like this davieselz. Why bother to say anything if you can't be nice about people?
The entertainer - Vinny Mack - was an extremely talanted young man with a great singing voice.

The two elderly people enjoying themselves are our great friends Don & Ivy, and they are a lovely couple and have many friends up here, so please refrain from running them down anymore.

We all had a fantastic evening. Thank you Hillside and also thank you to Vinny Mack.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2013-11-11 16:51:47 UTC

I gather you are a Friend of the two people dancing, and you are having a laugh. and you feel your two friends will laugh with you. If that is not the reason for you stupid comment it looks like you have made a complete idiot of yourself.
Only my opinionof course,but I bet most people reading your inane comment will agree with me

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-11-11 17:07:04 UTC

Nice to see Don and Ivy enjoying themselves

Commented rose in La Marina 2013-11-11 17:35:51 UTC

To Carole , Alan and rose,freedom of speech is my prerogative I can say what I like on this forum, and Alan they are certainly not my friends, oh yes my name is davieselz.

Commented davieselz in La Marina 2013-11-11 19:55:13 UTC

What a shame that davieselz is such a sad, negative person, but like he says he is entitled to his opinion, but he obviously watched the videos, if only he new what Ivy had been through in the past 18 months and what a wonderful outlook on life the old decrepited couple have, he may change his opinion.

We have had some wonderful nights at Hillside, singeing, dancing and enjoyed some great entertainers, perhaps davieselz would like to join us.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-11-11 22:36:55 UTC

I wouldn't wan't a nasty person like that joining our lovely happy friendly group Linda

Commented Carol in La Marina 2013-11-11 22:43:26 UTC


I agree in freedom of speech, I have not commented otherwise. However Its not obligatory to agree with you.

Commented rose in La Marina 2013-11-12 11:29:53 UTC

"To Carole , Alan and rose,freedom of speech is my prerogative I can say what I like on this forum, and Alan they are certainly not my friends, oh yes my name is davieselz."

Davieselz, I don't know your age now, but you too will be older one day and maybe should step back and appreciate the ability to enjoy yourself whatever age you are. Otherwise you may turn into being even more bitter and twisted than you appear now.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-11-12 12:09:49 UTC

What a load of rubbish , who on earth would want to watch those two old decrepit persons!! Dancing to some so called entertainer vinny something or another,,what's this site coming to.
Commented davieselz in La Marina a day ago

Freedom of speach etc you seem like a right old banker GET A LIFE !! maybe not your thing but it could be for others.

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2013-11-12 12:17:36 UTC

What nasty people you have on this page!!! I thought the video of people having FUN!!! Was lovely.

Commented linda.forde2 in Quesada 2013-11-12 16:48:14 UTC

Yea it is but theres always some idiot features up here that likes to cause trouble.
Take no notice I think its great that videos are put up here so that we can see the local venues where people go to
enjoy themselfs.

Commented Henry in La Marina 2013-11-12 16:57:57 UTC

This guy Dave obviously dose not socialize up here on the urb or he would of possible known better to make such a stupid statement about this couple dancing. Most people are aware that they have had a rather difficult time recently and it was good to see them up again and joining in

Commented Have A Nice Day in La Marina 2013-11-12 17:59:38 UTC

Well it's quite an eye opener to see all of your advers comments about me,as it happens I do live on the urb, I frequent the hillside on a regular basis, I eat , dance, play snooker, play bingo there. I also frequent other bars, but never see you moaners about, to reiterate I am entitled to say what I like on this forum, oh yes I will be in benidorm for the fiestas with about 40or so friends, living it up!!!!!!!!!!

Commented davieselz in La Marina 2013-11-12 20:14:29 UTC

If you need a extra foot pump to inflate your 40 friends then let me know.

P.S. Don't get filmed enjoying yourself as there will always be a younger smug @;';[#'; that will criticise.

Enjoy Benidorm

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-11-12 20:54:56 UTC

The only moaner on this forum is you - yes you davieselz - or whatever your real name is, because surely you would be much too embarrassed and ashamed to tell us all who you really are?

This posting only started because Ian was kind enough to put a couple of videos up here for everyone to enjoy - all except you davieselz.

SO, come on then - speak up man - you seem to have enough to say about running Ivy & Don down.
Let us know who you really are? Not a nice person at all I would say.

Commented QueenBee in La Marina 2013-11-12 21:23:44 UTC